Looking for a scientist to cohabitate my stateroom aboard the R/V Sikuliaq.
Opportunities for travel and (research-based) ADVENTURE!!!
Amenities include:
- Twin-Size Rack (sailor-speak for bed)
- With reading light and fun, self-opening stage curtain
- 20” Flat Screen Television (100+ ocean themed channels)
- Shipwide Global Wi-Fi (feat. cutting edge dial-up speed technology)
- Full bath w/ vacuum flush (for those particularly pesky nautical nuances)
- ‘Titanic’ Amounts of Closet Space!!!
- Full Alaskan Gulf-Style Dress Suit Provided
- Also stores STEMSEAS swag
- 3 Square Meals a Day (feat. unlimited ice cream)
- Extra Large Porthole with ‘Splash Zone’ view
- Laundry Room (although porthole in heavy seas sufficiently simulates spin cycle)
- 24/7 Sauna Spa Access (not kidding)
- To cure that artic fever
And yes, this ship is ice capable (leave your glacier repellant at home)!!!!!
For more details, please contact:
-Miguel Moravec (Vanderbilt University)