Well we are on the last day of blogging, which means we are a day and a half out from Seward, Alaska! Today, we got to launch a XBT which is short for ‘Expendable Bathythermograph’. The objective of this tool is to calculate the water depth and temperature. Tomorrow, we will also be launching a CTD which calculates the conductivity, temperature, and depth of the part of the ocean we are at. Lastly, everyone is doing a final project. We have broken up into groups of three working on various different projects. For my group’s project, we will be seeing the difference in data between the XBT and the CTD.
Sadly this trip is coming to an end, but as we are getting closer everyone is getting more excited to finally see land! This trip has been extremely educational, informative, and eye-opening. I’ve grown to understand what it is like to live and work on a boat. I have nothing but respect for people who work for months on research vessels. I have learned that it is not easy, but it is rewarding. STEMSEAS has truly been an inspirational experience. I’ve enjoyed learning and gaining more knowledge, seeing the ups and downs of people day in day out, and gaining new friendships. Some of my favorite parts of this experience were learning from our mentors. Not only learning from their classes, but also their life experiences on how they got where they wanted to be in life. I am so appreciative of how kind everyone has been on this ship. Everyone wants to see people excel, and will help you in any way to do that. Life at sea has not been easy, but it is definitely the coolest thing I’ve done. Being scientists, gathering data, learning the constellations, seeing the sun rise and set has been very inspirational. The most thrilling part for me has been seeing our ocean’s beautiful creatures. Occasionally, dolphins will show themselves, and rarely the whales will too. I would do this again if I had the chance, and will recommend to all my friends in the science field.
Jessica Allen