Greetings once again from the STEM SEAS ‘science’ aboard the R/V Sikuliaq (UAF). This is Chief Sci, Chris, back to give our next group of STEM SEAS participants a taste of what I truly find is the best part of my job, heading to sea.
We set sail yesterday and spent the last 24 hours assisting the R/V Sikuliaq’s seagoing technicians, Kongsberg Maritime, and UNH’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping staff calibrate several acoustic systems aboard the vessel. Students participated in helping position an acoustic calibration target at different depths below the ship while we were anchored in San Diego Harbor in order to calibrate the EK60 echosounder. This morning the students were able to watch as the R/V Sikuliaq passed over several test sites at several known depths and watched technicians tune the two multibeam echosounders onboard.
And there is always an opportunity to check out the local fauna.