As our fourth day at sea is coming to a close, I am noticing a trend in our voyage: the need for adaptability and flexibility. The science we are capable of is being determined by the conditions of the sea, and right now they are not in our favor… We are currently out racing a storm to our Southwest that is hugging the Oregon Coast. We are experiencing very rough ‘rolling,’ which is causing in our lab equipment to constantly be running away from us. It has been a comical experience simply trying to move about the ship. Despite these conditions, we were able to attend an incredibly informative lecture with Dr. Hall and have some great facilitated discussion afterwards.
It is truly admirable how the Sikuliaq crew is able to adapt and work through all weather conditions. It inspires me to persevere and focus on the task at hand. We have a lot to accomplish before we arrive in Seward. I know all of us are looking forward to the DNA sequencing workshop scheduled for tomorrow.
Our spirits and the seas are high!
Gwendolyn Quigley