Hi, I’m Lauren and I’m sailing as the graduate student mentor/co-instructor for STEMSEAS onboard the E/V Nautilus during Expedition NA150. NA150 is a transect between Honolulu, HI to Victoria, BC. The goal is to map bathymetry data to fill in the gaps in seafloor mapping and is in line with the UN goal of having the entire ocean floor mapped by 2030.
You most likely read about some of the cool things this STEMSEAS group has been up to (or eaten) in previous blogs. Onboard the E/V Nautilus, we have had the opportunity to take part in XBT, learn about the ROV Hercules, learn about single and multibeam sonar bathymetry, celebrate World Hydrography Day, sail over a plate boundary, eat amazing food, and more!
Additionally, the experience has been filled with group activities led by Dr. Lisa White, Dr. Jeanette Pirlo, and me. The undergraduate students have learned about paleobiology and megalodon, Understanding Science, redox proxies and ocean circulation, ArcGIS Storymaps, science communication (thanks to Hip Hop MD Maynard Okereke!), and more! We have even looked at microfossils under microscopes – it was awesome!
Sailing as a graduate student mentor/co-instructor has been a wonderful experience. I have really enjoyed working with Ocean Exploration Trust (OET), Dr. Lisa White and Dr. Jeanette Pirlo, as well as getting to work with the group of undergraduate students. I have had the opportunity to participate in the group activities and learn, as well as have the opportunity to teach and share advice with students. However, my favorite part of this STEMSEAS journey has been getting to watch this group of undergraduate students grow and learn over the course of NA150 and hear how this STEMSEAS experience is (and will) shape their future. Definitely keep an eye out for some cool science communication projects from this group!
We have about 1.5 days left at sea and are hoping to see some wildlife other than the Albatross, and maybe get in another gorgeous sunset before arriving in Victoria, BC. And if you are interested in learning more about this experience, check out this ArcGIS StoryMap about this STEMSEAS Adventure: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/1fd7fdbb3a1842ce88e96fc7e877b9ef