Omg heyyy today has been yet another fun action-packed day!!! life here is simple. ocean, sky, birds, laughter, science????
Being aboard the R/V Sharp so far has definitiely been one of my top life experiences. Of course there’s the sciencey part which I love, especially being able to expand my knowledge in so many different realms like geoscience, oceanography, marine sciences (I personally love the botany part), the component of history and impact on human populations, references to changing climate. There is so much more than just one niche topic covered and experienced.
Today so far we took more multi-core samples and a gravity core sample.Being able to see the actual operations behind collecting core samples helped understand what core sampling even is.
We examined some of the materials collected in the multi-core like a shell and potential plant material with onboard microscopes. One connects to our laptops and would be great to travel with, like this is for sure my next purchase.
BUT I think the best part has been the people. I so appreciate how everyone on board, including crew, are open to our incessant questions and helping us learn. All my new friends are so much fun like I cannot believe we all just met it feels like we have known each other since forever. It is so cool being able to learn and live together. Life is just so beautiful, especially in our moments together watching the sunrise or sunset, chilling under the stars, watching the waves, or just laughing and being silly. Much love to everyone on the R/V Sharp for making our brief time here memorable.