Aboard the R/V Siquliaq I started out the day with an amazing breakfast (thanks to the awesome cooks here; seriously it is the best food I have ever had). We had some down time in between breakfast and lunch. After lunch we had to perform a safety drill if we were ever in a situation to abandon ship. I learned which station I should go to, how to put on a life vest, and how to safely aboard a raft.
The main event of the day was when I helped out the crew with calibrating sensors in order to help create a map of the seafloor. We were split into 3 groups on the O2 deck: starboard, port forward, and port aft. Each group had to wait for a command from one of the engineers to if we had to reel in or out the fishing pole and how many turns. Each person in the group had a chance to maneuver the fishing pole. We finished the task after dinner, and then we had to try to take the sensor ball out of the water and put away all of the equipment.
In the evening, we got together in the lounge to discuss our paths, along with any struggles, and how we got here today. It was an eye opening experience to know about the obstacles my colleagues have faced and see how it contributed to their hard-working character. Seeing everyone exposed, helped us grow closer and respect each other’s history. The night was ended by relaxing in the sauna (who knew the ship would have one?!) and playing cards of humanity. I am having such great time getting to know these amazing people and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be on a research vessel. I am excited to see what the rest of the trip will have in store for us!