QMED Pete Kriesa
Pete Kriesa is a Q-med (Qualified member of the engineering department). The nationality of his last name is Slovakia. Mr. Pete know resides in Central TX near Austin, but he was born and raised in Iowa. When he turned twelve his family moved to Green Bay, Wisconsin. In 1979 Pete started working on a tug boat in Lake Michigan, and due to his job he was able to travel everywhere. Up to this point in his life Mr. Kriesa has filled up 3 passport books! Some of his favorite places to be are Thailand, Portugal, and Gibralter which is owned by England but is in Spain. Pete had always envisioned seeing the world because back in the 70’s his brother traveled the world with $10,000. Both of his parents were educators his father was a music teacher and a director of admissions at a catholic college and his mother was also a teacher. His favorite places to be are Texas during the spring and up north in the fall. Mr. Kriesa’s favorite show is 60 Minutes and he is a movie fanatic, but only watches them while on the boat. Black is his favorite color because it was all of the colors in one. Mexican food is something that Pete can always eat. Pete is a very interesting individual and his greatest memory was when he kayaked the Mississippi River from the point of origin to New Orleans, as well as the Missouri River. All he does now is work but prior to this he would do wood work. His favorite age to be was his 30’s because he said that in your 20’s you don’t know what to do, but in the 30’s you have things figured out. Getting to know Pete Kriesa was a pleasure, he has a welcoming personality and getting to speak with someone from TX during this trip was uplifting.
-Alondra Infante