Patrick Breshears- AB (Abled Body Seaman) Second Mate
Patrick is a 46 year old avid reader and in my opinion a world class thinker. He even let me borrow his copy of Reed’s, a must have on the sea. He has been working on ships since 1987. His 30 year anniversary is approaching fast. His home base is 25 miles west of Salem, Oregon. He has an amazing ponytail that has taken him about 3-4 years to grow. Though I think it is important to note he says he is definitely not some “damn hippie.”
His job description includes operating equipment on deck like wenches and cranes, doing rounds for security, painting, cleaning common areas, general maintenance and standing watch on the bridge.
One of his most memorable experiences was when working in Alaska on the R/V Wecoma, whose last cruise was in November of 2011. They were deploying an OBS (ocean bottom seismometer) and the weather was horrible with winds up to 80mph. He recalls a wave as big a 40-45 ft tall off the coast of Washington and the drinking water got contaminated by sea water.
Patrick is an extremely experienced seaman who has worked on almost every boat imaginable. From research vessels, tugs and barges, fishing boats, to dive and lighter tankers, he’s done it all.
He believes one of the most critical things about working on boats specifically and life in general is to pay attention and “Don’t assume you know everything.”
He is also not afraid to get his hand dirty for educational purposes with flying fish show and tell!
-Jessica Jean McPeak