AB Marc Simpson
Getting to know Marc was a pleasure. The picture above was taken right after beating him on a strenuous game of Connect Four. I won’t try and make myself seem like the better opponent as we are still currently tied in overall wins. Marc was born and raised on an isolated island. His home town of Wrangell is found in southeast Alaska and can only be reached by boat or airplane. He went to a college in Denver where he studied auto and diesel mechanics. Before finding himself on the Oceanus, Marc obtained experience working on cargo ships and oil tankers between 2004 and 2010. Now he is an able body seaman whose duty in the ship consists of maintenance and deploying science equipment brought onto the ship. He carries this duty during the six to eight months a year he finds himself at sea. What he likes the most about his work is the travel and experiences he gets out at sea. The favorite location he has visited is Diego Garcia, an island. He believes that every cruise brings different and interesting experiences that would not be capable under other situations.
-Oscar Prado