This is Day 4 of the STEMSEAS expedition aboard the R/V Hugh Sharp.
Today we are transiting up the Potomac River to two sampling sites. Thus far we have collected both water samples and sediment cores to support the research of two geoscientists.
Research and near peer mentor Mariam Naseem is currently a doctoral student in geology studying icy ocean worlds in the outer solar system. Specifically Mariam aims to use Earth-based analogs for life on icy ocean environments on Europa and Enceladus. On Day 2 we collected water samples at three different depths–700, 600, and 500 meters. Mariam will later analyze the samples in the lab at her university.
Research mentor and sedimentologist Michael Toomey wants to better understand the history and frequency of storm deposits. To do this we collected sediment using two different pieces of equipment–the gravity core and the multi-corer. Today we are transiting up the Potomac to two different stations where we will continue the collection process.
It has been quite the experience engaging in this type of data collection with undergraduate students from across the country and research mentors with different research interests. It is both immersive and experiential. I would also describe it as a 360* experience where we are learning together, from each other, and from the ship crew. The days are full and fun.
In addition, we got to see beautiful sunsets and sunrises, powerful winds and high seas, colorful birds and a Mola Mola, aka, SunFish. Despite a bit of seasickness, we have been enjoying the expedition and learning a lot along the way.