Picture this. You’re standing on a research vessel in the middle of nowhere. There isn’t a single airplane or fleeting boat around. The only thing in sight is a vast blue ocean and an occasional albatross. To some people, this might sound like a nightmare. But to adventure-seeking-science-nerds, like me, this is one of the closest things to paradise on Earth. Sure, the first 24 hours were probably the most miserable out of my entire life (I would have rather died than puked for a 5th time), but the following days have undoubtedly been worth the sea sickness. We haven’t even reached our destination and I’m already feeling bittersweet at the mere thought of leaving.
After 25 months of worrying about COVID, it felt nice to finally go maskless and cough without fear of being alienated. We get to be in this bubble where everyone has been tested and no one poses a risk to your health. The scientists, engineers, and crew members made us feel safe and welcomed right away. From career advice to personal tips on how to survive a sea voyage, they’ve shared a wealth of knowledge that you otherwise wouldn’t find so easily. We even had a knot-tying class today! Not to mention, this program has allowed us to learn for the love of science—no tear-inducing exams, no piles of homework, no pressure to memorize every minute detail—just eye-opening moments of realization where everything just clicks.
As someone who has always lived in the sleepless city of Houston, I can’t describe how mentally and spiritually refreshing it has been to step out of that environment. Being miles away from stress factors and exhausting routines does wonders to the body and soul. I feel recharged and hopeful for what the future may hold for me. So if you’re reading this wondering if you should apply for the STEMSEAS program, do it. Get out of your comfort zone and make sure you take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
– Bridget Robles