Stem Seas has already proven to be an awe-inspiring journey. For anyone aspiring to pursue a career in marine science, the experience of living aboard a research vessel is beyond valuable. It’s more than just adapting to life at sea; it’s a deep immersion into the workings of maritime careers and the essential scientific operations that sustain them. Mastering the use of shipboard equipment is not just a skill but a crucial step towards building the expertise needed in this field.
The stories shared by crew members, whose lives revolve around these ships, are not only captivating but also enlightening, revealing the immense dedication and sacrifices required, whether they’re oceanographers, scientists, technicians, cooks, or hold any other role on board. This journey has not only been about their individual narratives but also about the collective stories of our mentors, leaders, and fellow early-career scientists. Despite diverse backgrounds, living together has fostered an exchange of knowledge, experiences, and skills, teaching us the art of effective teamwork.
Such collaboration lies at the heart of science itself — uniting to explore the challenges around us, deliberating the best strategies to address them. I feel privileged to be part of this journey and eagerly anticipate uncovering more of what Stem Seas has in store for us, as we venture down less-traveled paths towards discovery.
It is great to feel the seas like the days of old and founders past. It resembles feeling as if you are following a similar path of a founding father of our field, Charles Darwin and joining in hands for ocean exploration for the sake of contributing to the science and knowledge of our past and our future.
-Alisha Andrews