We started the day by analyzing data using Excel that is generated from the ship along its course, with each group (2-3 persons) given a data set to analyze and in turn provide a tentative interpretation of the data – some made sense more than others, but its a learning process so its ALL GOOD!! Following that, we did a tour of the engine room (lower deck) with Dan who showed us how the engine operates – from what I gather, the fuel that is used in the engines is cleaner that what is used in cars – that’s awesome considering the fact that it burns 5 gallons per mile. Later (about an hour), we did another tour of the upper deck with Chris who showed us how the anchor and wenches worked- yeah and I got to lower the A-frame on the stern-AWESOME!!
In the afternoon, we got the chance to look at sediment cores from the IODP and got the chance to make smear slides samples to examine with the microscopes- can you believe i got it right on my first try…… yeah neither can I (lol)- sample washing to be followed the next day (7-17-16).
I know what you are thinking, where are the dolphins………
At around 6 pm in the evening, I was on the upper deck looking at a bird trying to catch some flying fishes, that’s when I heard a BIG splash in the water. I looked but I didn’t see anything…few moments later…another splash and that’s when I saw the dolphins breaching the surface near the stern, trailing the ship for a little while….by the time I went to call the other members, the dolphins were gone ……well, that’s the first time I have ever seen a dolphin and it was in the wild- that’s was Super cool, wish I could have taken a picture.
Thank you STEM-SEAS!!!