Today the seas have calmed down quiet a bit and everyone was starting to get their sea legs. The past few days the waves have been 2-4 feet. The waves today are about 1-2 feet, which was nice. Today the crew had to go through Fire Training, which entailed learning how to use an oxygen pack, working the fire hose, and how to properly roll someone onto a board to carry them through the ship. On a boat/ship everyone is everything, which means you are the fire fighters, the EMTs, and the rescue squad.
I went through the training with the crew and learned how to operate the oxygen tanks. This included how to put them on and how to change to tanks out. Each tank is capable of 30 minutes of air before the tank has to be changed again. The tanks also have motion sensors, which can indicate if you are in distress. Lack of movement for 20 seconds an alarm goes off so people can find you.
The next station was how to move an injured person through passageways and how to roll them on to the carrying board. Learning how to do this is very important and not only for people who are on a ship.
The last station was how to correctly operate a fire hose incase of a fire. Operating the fire hose was an awesome experience. The hoses exert a great amount of pressure and water. Knowing how to properly fight a fire is important because you do not want to have the fire spread anywhere else.
At the end of the training we all designed Styrofoam cups. My cup had my name and my schools initials with seagulls on it because our mascot is a seagull. After designing the cups we stuck them in a nylon sack and sent it down with the CTD testing canisters. The cups were dropped to 3130 meters. When they came back to the surface they were the size of ones palm which was very interesting. The pressure from all the water caused them to shrink in size.