Wednesday, 5/1 It is day 3 out of Woods Hole. The sky is clear and blue, the wind is blowing, and the sea is getting rougher. We had a couple of luckily calm and steady days to get adjusted to being on the R/V Neil Armstrong, but today the ship started rolling in the taller […]
The First Blog of STEMSeas Leg 2019-01
We’ve set sail! We left around 7:30 on Monday morning, April 29th and are on our way to Reykjavik, Iceland. We’ve had a pretty smooth and easy transit so far and have already finished two huge days’ worth of activities. After our initial departure from the docks we had our safety drills, including learning […]
Interview: Captain Eric Piper of the R/V Sikuliaq
Interview conducted by Kevin Huo (STEMSEAS Particpant) Kevin: Hi Captain! Got time for an interview? Captain: Yeah! Kevin: Your name is? Captain: Captain Eric Piper. Kevin: Background? Captain: California Maritime Academy – Majored in Marine Transportation I have been with the Sikuliaq since October of 2015 as the chief mate. Then, in May of 2017 […]
It has come to an end!
Jesse Trott October 10, 2018 At this very moment, I am sitting on an airplane on my way back home after a week at sea. I am happy to be heading home but sad that STEMSEAS ended so quickly. I was just getting used to life on a ship and feeling like I was not […]
Last Night At Sea
October 9th, 2018 Today is our last evening aboard the Sikuliaq. Everyone has mixture of feelings though we are sad to go, but we are all ready to get back to our daily routine, bringing with us the memories of this trip. The experiences we had on aboard the vessel has given us a bigger […]
Interview of Ethan, Marine Tech of the R/V Sikuliaq
Interviewer: Sam Radcliffe Interviewee: Ethan, Marine Tech Ship: R/A Sikuliaq Date: October 6th 2018 Ethan is the Marine Tech aboard the R/V Sikuliaq. A research vessel that is a part of the U.S. Academic Fleet. His educational journey started in San Diego at UC San Diego as he grew up in Southern California. He […]
Oh, the People You See at Sea
Alexis Brianna Ruiz – Interview I interviewed one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met in my life. David Carlise. He has been to every continent in the world, and hasn’t gone to Romania and a few countries in Africa. He graduated from a “unit in Rhode Island” in 1968 and found his way […]
Kim on the submarine and other stories
Crew Interview Hillary Smith Today is beautiful. The weather is warm, the sun is shining, and the sea is calm. Sitting in plastic Adirondack chairs on the first floor balcony, I get to know a bit about Kim. She is the Second Cook on the R/V Sikuliaq. While she has only worked for two years […]
Interview with the Sikuliaq’s ship scientist
Interviewer: Noah Khalsa Cruise: Sikuliaq Crewmember: Ethan, Ship Scientist Q1: How long have you worked at sea? A: Ethan has worked at sea for 14 years in all academic research capacities. Before working on the Sikuliaq, he worked in seagoing research labs and groups out of California and Hawaii. Q2: How long have […]
Oh Sea, Oh My
Alexis Brianna Ruiz October 3, 2018 One word: seasickness. Everyone, including the instructors, are getting hit by this terrible epidemic. People are eating more saltine crackers than they ever ate in their lives, and some people are throwing up with the taste of candied ginger. Most of us, the students, are trying to sleep off […]