I am going to share about my experience standing in during the night watch. On the Sikuliaq, the crew takes turns being the “lookout” for the ship. I decided to join in one night, and stand watch after the sun had set. You would think that there would be lights on the bridge, or at […]
Hello From The Pacific!
This is our 2nd full day at sea, though most of us are counting this as our first since most of us were seasick yesterday. Today we analyzed CTD data from a previous deployment, looking at conductivity, depth, and temperature. We created charts and analyzed the water at different depths, from these charts we then […]
I think I could live here.
The moonlight laid her silver hands on my shoulders as I sat upon the deck gazing at the dark gradient horizon. The calm black sea lulled the ship like a babe in the crib. A gentle sea breeze careesed my hair and face as I watched shallow clouds approach the bow. The ragtag team of […]
And as they say, “fair winds and following seas.”
May 15, 2019 As you read this, we the STEMSEAS students, are concluding our first full day aboard the Research Vessel Sikuliaq. We are currently enjoying our downtime, socializing with our new friends, and reflecting upon our introductory day. Anticipation and nervousness is bubbling on the forefront of each one of our minds. Only now, […]
May 7th-A boat load of Festivities
Woot woot! Only a few more days till we see land. As much as we want to see land, we’re still enjoying our last few moments on good ole R/V Armstrong. Today was pretty action-packed! One of the first things we did was learn about ocean exploration, in particular, Doc’s Windows to the Deep expedition […]
My Highlights at Sea
It hardly feels like it, but it’s been just over a week since my STEMSEAS journey began. Sailing across the Atlantic on a research cruise was never something I imagined I’d do in my undergraduate career, let alone in my lifetime. It’s been an incredible journey so far and I want to share the highlights. […]
STEMSEAS Cinco de Mayo!
Happy Cinco De Mayo! Also Know as May 5th. Today marks our half way point on our STEMSEAS voyage from Woods Hole, MA to Reykjavik, Iceland. Traditionally we have started each learning lab session with a question of the day. The question of the day was “What is one word you would use to describe […]
May the Fourth of the waves be with you
It’s day 23, we’ve been lost at sea for 18 days now. Food supplies are running low and moral is too, right along with it. If anyone is reading this… Just kidding! Today is the 4th of May (May the fourth be with you), the sixth day of our glorious voyage to Iceland! The seas […]
STEMSeas 5th Day: May 3, 2019
May 3, 2019 Within today’s activities we focused on a couple of main topics. To start out the day, we learned about the basics of multibeam sonar. Multibeam sonar is a method to read the bathymetry of the sea floor similar to the echolocation abilities of a bat or a whale. By sending out high […]
Navigating the North Atlantic
May 2, 2019 Today marks our fourth day aboard the R/V Neil Armstrong. The blue-grey sea has surrounded us for days, but in the main lab, six data displays help us qualify our current position on Earth. An underway display keeps track of our coordinates, as well as marking surrounding conditions such as water […]