7-17-16 With all the activities that was planned out for us to do during the day, we still manage to get time to relax and “reflect” and enjoy the view. The day started pretty much standard, however, some teammates got to see the sunrise- bummer I didn’t get to see it….oh well, we have three […]
Dolphins?…..Yes I saw them
7-16-16 We started the day by analyzing data using Excel that is generated from the ship along its course, with each group (2-3 persons) given a data set to analyze and in turn provide a tentative interpretation of the data – some made sense more than others, but its a learning process so its ALL […]
The Day After . . . .
07/16/16 So yesterday there was no blog post because about 30 minutes out into deep sea many of us went down for the count…… with seasickness but I am happy to report that were are feeling much better today. I was able to crawl out of bed to catch a beautiful sun rise. {Picture to […]
The Line Making Me Crazy
To start the day off, the group analyzed a set of data that the instruments on the ship have been collecting. I was given sea surface temperature (SST). After graphing the data, a spike showed that there had been a slight increase followed by a decrease in SST as we crossed from greener waters into […]
Get to know the crew: Chief Engineer Mark Booher
Chief Engineer Mark Booher Mark Boher is the Chief Engineer on R/V Oceanus, licensed with ocean vessels at a maximum of 5000 horsepower. Mark was born and raised in San Diego, CA but lives in Seattle, WA. Mark’s father is a Navy veteran and was also an engineer. Mark had a very close relationship with […]
Day 9 at sea: our final day
Hi, my name is Danisse Toro. I’m 21 years old and I’m a junior currently attending Queens College in Flushing New York. I was lucky enough to have been chosen to take the first expedition out on the STEMSEAS program excursion from California to Hawaii. After a failed attempt to watch the sunrise at 0’500 […]
Wrapping up!
The students just finished presenting their research to the instructors and the crew. We are so proud of everything they have accomplished during their time at sea. The Oceanus and its crew have been so good to us, and the seas weren’t half bad either! The cooks are busy preparing our celebratory final meal: surf […]
Get to know the crew: Core Tech Chris Moser
Core Tech Chris ‘Core Cutter’ Moser This is Chris Moser, he currently serves as the Senior Faculty Research Assistant in Marine Geology at Oregon State University and the STEMSEAS crew had the pleasure of sailing with him in our core drilling expedition in May 2016. Chris grew up in a small town in West Virginia and […]
Get to know the crew: Chief Mate Jim Moore
Chief Mate Jim Moore I had the pleasure of getting to learn more about our interesting Chief Mate, Jim Moore. Jim has been sailing the seas for 22 years, but interestingly enough sailing the seas was not what he thought he would be doing coming out of high school. In fact, Jim thought he was […]
Get to know the crew: AB Marc Simpson
AB Marc Simpson Getting to know Marc was a pleasure. The picture above was taken right after beating him on a strenuous game of Connect Four. I won’t try and make myself seem like the better opponent as we are still currently tied in overall wins. Marc was born and raised on an isolated island. […]