May 15, 2019
As you read this, we the STEMSEAS students, are concluding our first full day aboard the Research Vessel Sikuliaq. We are currently enjoying our downtime, socializing with our new friends, and reflecting upon our introductory day. Anticipation and nervousness is bubbling on the forefront of each one of our minds. Only now, have we truly started to actualize what will be ahead of us in the coming days. Armed with the scientific method, and counsel from wise researchers and mentors, we will be engaging global issues through research and hypothesis.
It is clear to us that we made the right decision by boarding the R/V Sikuliaq. Consider that there exist many rooms where each individual is worried about keeping up with their peers whom they are seated amongst. In such a room, one may find it difficult to keep up with themselves, let alone keep up with their peers. However, no such room exists on the Sikuliaq. Aboard the Sikuliaq, rooms are filled with inquisitive and thoughtful students whose unique skill sets, and ways of thinking compliment one another. Such a room is where life-time friendships are forged, infinite opportunity is created, and future researchers of the world are born.
It is an absolute privilege to share these decks with my fellow students.
Michael W. Martins
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Photo Credit: Benjamin Keisling.