From the fall in temperature, the increase in marine life sightings, and the strengthening in friendships, we know we are almost to Seward. While our excitement for land mirrors that of the crews’, it is bittersweet to have to soon say goodbye to the Sikuliaq and the now family-like faces that have emerged from being aboard.
Our sea sickened days will soon be looked over as we think back on our time together; instead the memories that will forgo those bedridden days are those of eating endless ice cream in the galley, laughing till we no longer know what we’re laughing about, and watching Anne-Lise get excited for DNA sequencing and basically anything we can observe under the “microscopy.”
This experience… well it’s hard to describe… the one word I would use is eunoia, while having other meanings the lost root illustrates a beautiful thinking mind. And like a beautiful mind has beautiful thoughts, I like to imagine every minute aboard the Sikuliaq as neurons firing away, forming a complex, beautiful mind. The crew, professors, TAs, and the students have elevated the STEMSEAS program infinitely beyond my expectations. As much as I like to think of myself as creative and imaginative, I, as stated in my personal statement for STEMSEAS, ‘am not imaginative enough to collocate a real world experience,’ but now that I have nearly completed the Alaska transit, I don’t have to imagine what it would be like. Now I know.
For My Fellow Students:
Michael thank you for always making us laugh and bringing to joy to everyone around you; Jessica thank you for your Texas twang and your ‘you go girl!’ encouragement; Kari thank you for your passion and eagerness; Kailah thank you for always having the right questions; Yasmin thank you for your endless kindness to everyone around; Morgan thank you for making me feel like I’m funny by laughing at my side comments; Alyssa thank you for being brave enough to lead the team in the SeaSense project; Alyson thank you for understanding my confusion with some of Michael’s references; Alexis thank you for staying strong and spirited throughout your seasickness battle; Hayley thank you for being such a comfortable person to be around; Gwenith thank you for being you, I wish you lived in Boston; Kelly thank you for being the best roommate, I will sincerely miss hearing you think aloud; Anjali thank you for… yellow, being Dad, and the awkward smiles.
For My Mentors:
Cynthia thank you for always having a story to share and wisdom to spread; Anne-Lise thank you for showing me what passion for your work looks like, I now will hold my professors to a new standard; Noah thank you for always helping and struggling with bracelet making, that was really funny; Ben thank you for being not only knowledgeable in your select field but for being such a bright, well-rounded person, who truly seeks to bring out the best in others.
Bella Raponi