So far on the STEMSEAS trip, I’ve cried a handful of times, but not necessarily sad tears. Growing up, I was always very close with my dad, who wasn’t biologically my father, but he had always been a father figure to me. He had a boat that we would go on all the time, whether it was fishing, camping, or having picnics at the dock in front of his house. My dad would always be at the dock because the ocean was his happy place. I loved his enthusiasm when he would tell me stories about his sailing days, and the more he spoke about it, the more I loved the ocean. In January of 2020, my dad died from cancer, and it was devastating. I lost interest in everything I enjoyed doing, which included my love for the ocean. I felt empty for a long time, and still do, occasionally. Being on the water makes me feel like my dad is with me. Sometimes this makes me sad, but overall, I feel as if I’m reconnecting with him. This is more than I could have ever hoped for from this trip, and I’m so grateful for this opportunity to heal. Here’s a photo of my dad and me when I was 6!
Gracie Ochoa
14 Nov, 2021
(P.S. Thank you Leilani for the title suggestion. Also, sorry Miguel, but I really didn’t want to name this post “Papa Ocean” LOL. <3)