I was able to arrive to Seattle on August 15th without any major issues. Even the passengers to my right (I was seated in the aisle) were rather amicable and easy going, fortunately. When I travel I prefer to not talk even if the conversation is riveting. Surprisingly, I found myself organizing and connecting with my group in the baggage claim and beforehand to make sure no one was left behind. I usually take a backseat to organizing to let the Type A personality people be at ease. My first perception of the city of Seattle was that it’s a big area with lots of trees and some city buildings. This is truly a relaxing and encapsulating area and pocket of the United States.
Also, the industrial buildings and facilities reminded me of the Steel Mills that surround my home. They didn’t look very active at around 7 PM, but that is to be expected as most companies are probably at low levels of operation during this time of day.
My viewing experience of the TV show ‘Portlandia’ definitely prepared me a bit for the visual aesthetics of Seattle. The people seem to be super progressive and conscientious. I saw an area for compost inside a restaurant, truly an eye-opening facet of Seattle. I am excited to see what science has in mind for my artistically conditioned and trained mind and way of life.
Signing off for now,
Greg Austin, Jr. (University of Delaware – Super Senior – ENGLISH Major, SPANISH Minor)